All JLC /  REA pay agreements are now invalid after court cases in Ireland.See Here

There is a legal minimum wage in Ireland – but there were also other agreements in place that cover specific  types of workers. These agreements dealt with the pay and working conditions of the employees concerned and may have been  included in an employee’s contract of employment.

JLC – The agreements on pay and conditions made by Joint Labour Committees (JLCs) are known as Employment Regulation Orders (EROs). It is the JLC that agrees the rates of pay and working for the workers in the JLC’s sector of employment, for example, catering or hairdressing, security. An Employment Regulation Order made by the Labour Court  makes the JLC agreement enforceable by law.

Some sample JLC  Minimum Rates per Week

Hotel Worker (trained) €354.43 a week (outside Dublin and Cork)

Security Worker (first job) €10.01 an hour

Agricultural Worker experienced   €9.33 per hour

Hairdresser  €303.52 per week (Dublin Area) plus 10% of personal takings.

Waiter – Waitress –  €363.28  weekly (Fully Trained)

Contract Cleaners  €9.50 per hour

Retail Sales Assistant  (experienced aged over 18)  €9.59 per hour

All  Employment Regulation Orders are now invalid since July 2011 and REAs are deemed uncostitutional see more